SCF'24: Symposium on Computational Fabrication Aarhus University Aarhus, Denmark, July 7-10, 2024 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | April 8, 2024 |
Demo Track | May 17, 2024 |
Conference Date: July 7-10th, 2024
Submission is now open for the 9th annual ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication! This international symposium brings together experts from academia and industry who develop and use computational tools to create physical things. The meeting provides a venue for participants to discuss cutting-edge results and build cross-domain collaborations and connections. Attendees and presenters come from diverse backgrounds, including architecture, computer science, mechanical engineering, human-computer interaction, biology, materials science, robotics, manufacturing, applied math, and fabrication.
Appropriate Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Computational methods and tools for fabricating novel objects and devices
- Software and hardware technologies that open novel opportunities for interaction
- Computational methods and designs for architecture, bioengineering, and sustainability
SCF welcomes previously unpublished and high-quality full papers, demos, sketch talks, and posters to attract mature research results and cutting-edge developments. Please see below for the submission requirements and dates.
Technical Papers
Submission Deadline: April 8th 2024 AOE
Decision Notification: May 11th 2024 AOE
Camera Ready Deadline: May 22nd 2024 AOE
Length: There is no paper length limit or requirement; however, reviewers will be instructed to consider the paper's contribution relative to its length. Previous SCF technical papers have been 5,000-10,000 words in length.
Anonymity: Submissions should be anonymized for double-blind review. Authors must remove their names and affiliations throughout all submission materials (paper and any supplementary material). De-anonymized papers will be desk rejected.
Format: Follow the ACM SIGGRAPH Instructions for Authors.
If using LaTeX, use the Overleaf template or the acmart package with the parameters \documentclass[manuscript,anonymous,review]{acmart}.
If using Word, use this template.
In either case, we accept either single or double-column formats for reviewing. We recommend double-column format.
If accepted, authors will be granted a 15-minute presentation platform to present the work. These papers are archived as part of the ACM Digital Library.
Accompanying Video: Submitting a video is optional but highly recommended.
Video resolution should be 1920x1080px, encoded as MP4 using the H.264 codec
No more than 5 minutes long.
Size: <200MB
Subtitles are required using a separate .srt or .sbv file when using voice-over (not burned into the video file).
Selection Process: Refereed, i.e. the program committee (area chairs) and two external reviewers will review submitted papers
Publication: Archival, i.e. accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library and distributed in digital form to conference attendees
Submission Deadline: May 27th 2024 AOE (extended)
Decision Notification: May 31th 2024 AOE
Format: Demo submissions should be approx. 2 pages long (double column, excluding references), and should not be anonymized. We do not have a strong page limit, but we recommend that authors prepare a manuscript of ~1,500-2,000 words to equate to the double column 2-page length, often 4-5 pages in the single column (plus references). Submissions could be both single-column or double-column format in PDF.
Follow the ACM SIGGRAPH Instructions for Authors.
If using LaTeX, use the Overleaf template or the acmart package with the parameters \documentclass[sigconf,authordraft]{acmart}.
If using Word, use this template.In either case, we accept either single or double-column formats for reviewing. Upon acceptance we will publish using the single column TAPS process.
Floorplan: In addition to the demo submission, also attach a .pdf document which describe the physical demo you would bring to SCF '24, what conference attendees would experience and any requirements you have (e.g., table space, poster stand, electricity, lighting conditions).
Acceptance: The demo track is juried and has traditionally a high acceptance rate(~80%). SCF is an in-person conference and at least one author has to be physically present at SCF to present the demo.
Stand-Alone Demo Submission: Authors must submit a demo abstract (max. 2 pages excl. references), the abstract will be included in the ACM digital library adjunct proceedings. Authors are also required to submit other relevant data including the floorplan of their envisioned demo setup and space requirements.
Demo Submission of Accepted Papers: Authors of accepted full papers who also want to present a demo have to submit an entry into the demos track. They have two choices:
- Regular demo submission: authors are welcome to submit a demo abstract (max. 2 pages excl. references), which will result in the abstract being included in the ACM digital library adjunct proceedings. This is sometimes relevant to reflect differences between paper and demo, e.g., changes in the list or order of authors.
- Fast track : Paper authors can indicate in their demo submission that they want to submit a fast track demo. In that case, no demo abstract is required. However, authors are still required to submit other relevant data including the floorplan of their envisioned demo setup and space requirements.
Concurrent Poster Submissions: The same work cannot be submitted to both the SCF demo and poster tracks. Double submissions will only be considered as a demo submission and will be rejected from the poster track
Sketch Talks
Submission Deadline: May 27th 2024 AOE (extended)
Decision Notification: May 31th 2024 AOE
The multidisciplinary nature of SCF lends itself well as a podium to see how other communities respond to new ideas and work you are considering exploring. The Sketch Talk track provides a podium for just that: it is non-archival, there will be no recording, and no abstract will show on the website, making it a safe place to share incomplete ideas, invitations for collaboration, or work that is already published in another community for which you are curious how the SCF community responds. We welcome submissions from researchers at any stage in their career.
Format: Submissions should be approx. 2 pages long (double column, excluding references), and should not be anonymized. We do not have a strong page limit, but we recommend that authors prepare a manuscript of ~1,500-2,000 words to equate to the double column 2-page length, often 4-5 pages in the single column (plus references). Submissions could be both single-column or double-column format in PDF.
Follow the ACM SIGGRAPH Instructions for Authors.
If using LaTeX, use the Overleaf template or the acmart package with the parameters \documentclass[sigconf,authordraft]{acmart}.
If using Word, use this template.In either case, we accept either single or double-column formats for reviewing.
Submission Deadline: May 27th 2024 AOEn (extended)
Decision Notification: May 31th 2024 AOE
SCF further invites the community to present their research papers that do not fall into any of the above categories in poster form. In-person attendance at the conference is expected for the presentation of the poster.
Format: Submissions should be approx. 2 pages long (double column, excluding references), and should not be anonymized. We do not have a strong page limit, but we recommend that authors prepare a manuscript of ~1,500-2,000 words to equate to the double column 2-page length, often 4-5 pages in the single column (plus references). Submissions could be both single-column or double-column format in PDF.
Accepted submission are non-archival and will be included in the adjunct proceedings of SCF.
Follow the ACM SIGGRAPH Instructions for Authors.
If using LaTeX, use the Overleaf template or the acmart package with the parameters \documentclass[sigconf,authordraft]{acmart}.
If using Word, use this template.In either case, we accept either single or double-column formats for reviewing.
ACM Publication Policy
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. ACM will investigate alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy and may result in a full retraction of your paper and other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.
Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID iD to complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID iD from the start, and we have recently committed to collecting ORCID iDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will be a requirement throughout 2024. We are committed to improving author discoverability, ensuring proper attribution, and contributing to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID iD will help in these efforts.
We look forward to seeing you at SCF'24!
General Chairs
Michael Wessely, Valkyrie Savage, Piotr Didyk
Program Chair
Jonas Martinez