![]() | SWDSI 2025: Southwest Decision Sciences Institute 54th Annual Conference Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills Tulsa, OK, United States, March 19-22, 2025 |
Conference website | http://swdsi.org/swdsi2025/Default.asp |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swdsi2025 |
Poster | download |
Submission deadline | November 21, 2024 |
54th Annual Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 19-22, 2025
Call for Papers
Deadline for Paper Submissions: November 14, 2024 (Extended)
Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills
Program Chair: M. Kabir Hassan, University of New Orleans, mhassan@uno.edu
For more information, refer to the conference website www.swdsi.org/SWDSI2025
Competitive Papers. Full-length competitive papers are invited on, but not limited to, the topic areas listed below. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed through a double-blind peer-review process. We also welcome submitting up to one-page, single-spaced research abstracts (150-300 words). Acceptance of papers and abstracts is subject to final approval by the Track Chairs/Program Chair. Accepted papers and abstracts of authors who have registered for the conference by the close of online registration will be scheduled for presentation at the annual meeting. Presented papers and abstracts will be published in the Proceedings (available on the SWDSI website only). Paper submission acknowledges that the author(s) will register for and attend the conference and personally present the accepted paper at the time specified in the conference program.
Submission Policy. The submission of a paper or abstract means the author certifies it is not copyrighted, has not been accepted for publication in a journal or proceedings, has not been presented at another professional meeting, has not been accepted for presentation at another professional meeting, and is not under review for a journal, proceedings, or presentation at another professional meeting. Concurrent submission and/or presentation of the same or similar paper at another conference is considered a breach of professional ethics. DSI has a code of ethical conduct accessible at https://decisionsciences.org/discover- dsi/governance/code-of-conduct/.
Program Participation. Paper reviewers and session chairs are needed for the program to succeed. Please get in touch with the Program Chair or a Track Chair by September 30th, 2024, if you are interested in serving as session chair or reviewer. Authors who submit papers should expect to be asked to review at least one paper for the conference. Symposia, tutorials, and workshops on current topics are invited. Please get in touch with the Program Chair concerning these proposals.
Distinguished Paper Awards. Distinguished paper awards will be presented at the conference.
Student Papers and Consortium. Up to three cash awards for student papers will be presented. Papers submitted in the student track must be solely student-authored. Look at the SWDSI website for information about the Doctoral Student Consortium.
Special Sessions. Proposals for pre-conference workshops on business analytics, big data using Teradata, SAP, and Tableau, or panel discussions on business intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, classroom technology, ethical finance, and sustainable development are invited. Please get in touch with the Program Chair concerning these proposals.
Conference Tracks and Track Chairs
Accounting and Ethics, Mary Fischer, University of Texas at Tyler mfischer@uttyler.edu
Data Analytics and Statistics Instruction (DASI), Mike Ellis, University of Central Arkansas mellis@uca.edu
Computer Information System, Ajim Uddin, New Jersey Institute of Technology au76@njit.edu
Decision Support and Expert Systems, Yaqin Sun, Fairfield University ysun@fairfield.edu
E-Commerce and Social Networking, Gina Hardin, Stephen F. Austin State University hardengm@sfasu.edu
Economics, Law, and Finance, Kabir Hassan, The University of New Orleans mhassan@uno.edu
Enterprise Systems (ERP), Information Security and Privacy, Will Senn, Tarleton State University wsenn@tarleton.edu
Innovative Education, Pamela Rogers, Stephen F. Austin State University rogerspp@sfasu.edu
Internet of Things and Big Data, John Seydel, Arkansas State University jseydel@astate.edu
Management Information Systems, Catalin Dinulescu, Tarleton State University dinulescu@tarleton.edu
Strategic Management, Md Farid Hossain Talukder, McNeese State University mtalukder@mcneese.edu
Human Resources Management, Muhammad Rofiqul lslam, Texas A&M International University, muhammadrofiqulislam@dusty.tamiu.edu
Empirical and Quantitative Finance, Roman Bohdan, Ferrum College, rbohdan@ferrum.edu
Accounting Information Systems, Faisal Safa, McKendree University mfsafa@mckendree.edu
Big Data Analytics, John Paskelian, University of Houston-Downtown paskeliano@uhd.edu
Fintech and Artificial Intelligence, Mustafa Raza Rabbani, University of Khorfakkan, Sharjah, UAE, Mustafa.rabbani@ukf.ac.ae
ChatGPT and AI in Publications, Yasser Alhenawi, Lourdes University yalhenawi@lourdes.edu
Management, Healthcare, and Organizational Behavior, Gayle Prybutok, University of North Texas gayle.prybutok@unt.edu
Marketing and International Business, Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan (Ram), Prairie View A&M University ram@pvamu.edu
Operations and Project Management, Balaji Janamanchi, Texas A&M International University bjanamanchi@tamiu.edu
Quantitative Methods, Quality and Business Analytics, Robert Pavur, University of North Texas robert.pavur@unt.edu
Supply Chain, Logistics and UAVs, Zhen Li, Texas Woman's University zli@twu.edu
Student Track, Lu Xu, University of North Georgia lu.xu@ung.edu
Proceedings Editor, Heng (John) Xie, California State University- Sacramento heng_xie@csus.edu
Instructions for Contributors
- Author(s) must submit papers/abstracts via the website:
- Abstracts should not exceed three pages; papers should not exceed 20 pages. The more completer and more detailed the submission, the greater its chance for acceptance. Hard copies will not be accepted. The site will open on July 3, 2024.
- Each submission must include a separate title page with the following information:
- title of submission
- submission type (i.e., Research Paper, Abstract, proposal workshop, Tutorial, Panel, Symposium).
- author(s)
- affiliation(s)
- complete address(es)
- telephone number(s)
- email address of the author(s)
- name of the dean(s) of the affiliate school(s) i. track (or topic) that best fits the submission j. corresponding author
- Up to 30 pages (all inclusive) are accepted for the initial paper submission. Papers should follow standard APA guidelines. The main body of the paper, abstract, or proposal must have a title but should not include the author's name(s).
- All submissions must be received by October 1, 2024. Acceptance or rejection notifications will be provided by December 3, 2024. Camera-ready submission deadline for the Proceedings is March 11, 2025.
- A registration fee will be required before the Proceedings Editor accepts papers.
- Volunteers: Anyone interested in participating in the program as a session chair or reviewer should communicate their interests to the Program Chair at mhassan@uno.edu
Some suggested topics
- 3-D Printing
- Accreditation Issues in DS
- Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Big Data
- Changing Career Paths
- Classrooms Technology
- Cloud-based Systems
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Data Visualization
- Data Warehousing
- Data and Text Mining
- Drones/UAVs •
- Emerging Programming Languages
- Employment Trends
- Ethical & Legal Issues
- Forecasting
- Geospatial Analytics
- Global and Regional Economic
- Cooperation
- Global Strategies
- Global Sourcing
- Healthcare Informatics
- Impact of Higher Education
- Inclusiveness
- Inequality
- Innovation
- Instructional Issues in Decision Science
- Information Security
- Internet of Everything
- Knowledge Management Mgmt. of Technology
- Market-based Curricula
- MOOCS and their Variations
- Methodologies
- Multimedia
- Online/Distance Learning
- Optimization
- Organization Culture
- Outsourcing & Offshoring Performance
- Performance Measure
- Process Reengineering
- Professional Students Organizations
- Project Management
- Rapid Prototyping
- Reengineering Higher Education
- Risk and Uncertainty
- RFID Applications
- Scorecards and Dashboards
- Simulation
- Social Media
- Student Engagement
- Sys. Analysis and Design
- System Implementation
- Technology for the Aging
- Total Quality Management
- Vision Systems