T4E 2025: International Conference on Technology 4 Education, 2025 Chennai, India, December 5-7, 2025 |
Conference website | https://etsociety.org/t4e-2025/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=t4e2025 |
Abstract registration deadline | July 8, 2025 |
Submission deadline | July 15, 2025 |
The International Conference on Technology 4 Education (T4E) is a leading conference on educational technology held in India for researchers, teachers, students, developers, entrepreneurs and practitioners across the globe. T4E2025 organized by the EdTech Society, India, and hosted by IIT Madras, will be in Chennai, India, from December 5th to 7th, 2025.
T4E 2025 will be a forum to bring together people who are broadly interested in understanding ways in which learning and teaching can be enhanced with technology, as well as new roles for technology in educational processes. We invite submissions from participants in universities, colleges, schools, industry, government organizations and NGOs to share their work in this emerging interdisciplinary area. To address the needs and interests of different participants via a variety of session formats the conference includes paper sessions, poster sessions, interactive workshops, best practices and teaching demo sessions and tools and product showcases.
Theme 1: Emerging Technologies to Support Education
- Game-based learning/serious games
- Mobile and hand-held device-based learning
- Infrastructure for large-scale deployment of e-learning
- Semantic web technologies in education
- Smart learning environments
- Techniques and standards for learning resources
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Technology-based learning environments
- AI tools and Education
Theme 2: Technology to Understand Human Learning
- Development of theories of learning, instruction and role of technology
- Cognitive and metacognitive insights of learning
- Learning analytics, AI in Education (AIED), Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA), Educational Data Mining (EDM) to understand learning processes
- Problem solving, computational thinking, reasoning, visuo-spatial thinking
- Disciplinary and interdisciplinary practices
- Affective aspects of learning
- Social and emotional learning
- Impact of social networks on learning
Theme 3: Pedagogical Strategies and Interventions
- Innovative use of ICT for content development and classroom use
- Adaptive and personalized approaches
- Assessment and evaluation models for technology-enhanced learning (TEL)
- Pedagogies for TEL environments, online and blended learning
- Technology-supported learning of disciplinary knowledge
- Teacher professional development
Theme 4: Access, Scale and Sustainability
- LowTech - EdTech
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- AI and Special Education
- Bridging the urban-rural gap in education
- E-learning in vernacular languages
- Open educational resources
- Massively open online courses
- Socioeconomic factors in technology enhanced learning
- Quality and standards in technology enhanced learning
- Scaling initiatives in education
- Research-practice partnerships for educational initiatives
- Policies for the use of technology in education
Theme 5: Culture and Technology
- Role of Culture in Technology-Enhanced Learning
- Digital Storytelling and Cultural Narratives
- Cross-Cultural Collaboration in the Digital Age
- Cultural Impact of Social Media and Online Communities
Theme 6: Out-of-School Learning, Informal Learning
- Community-Based Learning
- Informal Learning Environments
- Online Platforms for Informal Learning
- Cultural and Recreational Learning
- Parental Involvement in Learning
- Life Skills and Personal Development
- Mobile Learning and Informal Education
- Socioeconomic Factors in Informal Learning
Theme 7: Education for Sustainable Development Goals
- Social Emotional Learning
- Curriculum Integration of SDGs: Incorporating the principles and goals of sustainable development into educational curricula.
- Global Citizenship Education
- Environmental Education
- Health and Well-being Education
- Civic Education and Advocacy
Theme 8: Equitable and Accountable Use of Technology
- EdTech for Democracy
- Citizenry Education
- E-Governance in Education
- Media Literacy and Critical Thinking
- Social Media and Informal Civic Unlearning
- Critical Studies of Educational Technology
- Digital and AI literacy
- Ethics of Educational Technology including AI/ML based tools
- Ethical and accountable Use of Educational Technology
Paper Submission Types
Papers can be submitted in the following tracks:
- Original Research, either as full papers or as short papers
- Experience Report, either as full papers or as short papers
1. Original Research Track
Papers in this track contain original research studies addressing one of the themes of the conference. Research studies should contain:
- A clear theoretical basis, building on existing literature on the relevant topics
- A carefully designed study with appropriate use of research methods to support the investigation and stated results.
- A clear and complete description of methods and how they are apt to address the research problem and research questions
- An explication of the paper's impact on, and contribution to existing knowledge
To whom might this track be of interest?
- Researchers from academia (including research students), industry, government organizations and NGOs/foundations. The research may have been conducted in a variety of contexts such as schools, colleges & universities, training settings, etc.
Note: Papers submitted as research studies may involve a variety of research methods, including quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods and design-based research. The methods should be appropriate to support the claims made.
Research studies may be submitted as full-length or short papers.
- Full-length papers (10-14 pages) are expected to contain a detailed description of the background research, the relevant theoretical basis, details of the methodology, findings of the study, interpretation of the findings, and resulting implications for other researchers or practitioners.
- Short papers (6-8 pages) are expected to make a significant contribution but they may be missing one or more criteria of full papers. They may focus on small-scale research studies or may be extensions of the authors’ previously published research.
2. Experience Report Track
Papers in this track focus on implementation and practice. They are meant to be observational in nature, and should carefully describe the development and use of an educational technology, the context in which it is used (classroom, online, etc) including the data collected, and provide a careful and detailed reflection on what did or didn’t work, and why. These contributions should be motivated by prior literature and should highlight the novelty of the experience presented. Experience report papers are different from research papers in that the emphasis of these contributions is on enabling adoption by other practitioners rather than focusing on the generalizability or transferability of findings or threats to validity.
Experience report papers should include the objectives, descriptions of the principles behind the design and development, details of implementation and an evaluation of the implementation, as well as what was learned from the experience and the recommendations for others.
To whom might this track be of interest?
- Instructors (school or college-level), industry practitioners and development professionals who have designed, implemented and evaluated technology-supported practices are especially encouraged to submit their work to this track.
- This track may also be of interest to those working on teacher professional development and implementation of solutions, for example (but not limited to) work done by non-profits and non-governmental foundations.
Papers will be peer-reviewed and will primarily be judged on the real-world validity of the setting, the broad applicability of the findings, and the overall practical impact.
- Understanding of practical challenges faced in the use of technology in education in technology-rich and/or technology-lean environments and potential ways to address these challenges deployment of systems in real-world situations and the impact of such deployments
- Societal, business, and/or technological insights generated by the deployment of ed-tech solutions in the real world
- Case studies that identify factors contributing to or hampering the effectiveness and efficiency of technology-in-education
- Application of known ed-tech solutions/concepts in a novel setting and their implications for these solutions.
Please note that papers on marketing, advertising, or showcasing company products will be rejected.
Submission Guidelines
The submission and review process of original research and experience report track papers will happen as per the stages below.
- Abstract Submission
- It is mandatory that abstracts be submitted by the abstract submission deadline (see deadlines below).Failure to submit an abstract by this deadline will result in the inability to submit the full paper.
- The maximum word limit for abstract submissions is set at 500 words.
- Full Paper Submission:
- Following the submission of the abstract, authors are required to submit the full versions of the Research and Experience Report Papers by the full paper submission deadline.
- All submitted full papers will undergo a thorough peer-review process.
- Accepted papers, after successful completion of the peer-review, will be included in the conference proceedings.
All submissions must be in Springer format. Papers that do not use the required format will be rejected without review. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Microsoft Word template can be found here.
All papers will be double-blindly peer-reviewed. Paper lengths for the research and experience report track submissions are as below.
- Full papers (12 – 14 pages including references; for a long oral presentation)
- Short papers (6 – 8 pages including references; for a short oral presentation)
Please ensure compliance with the stated guidelines and deadlines in order to facilitate a smooth and efficient review process, and to ensure that your work can be considered for inclusion in the conference proceedings.