W2GIS 2024: International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (2024) Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, June 17-18, 2024 |
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Submission deadline | December 22, 2023 |
Topics: gis information systems
21st International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2024)
June 17-18, 2024, Yverdon-les-bains
Submission link:
Recent advances in wireless Internet technologies have sparked interest in handling vast amounts of geo-spatial data.
W2GIS serves as a platform for exploring cutting-edge developments in Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, encompassing both theoretical insights and technical innovations. This event, now in its 21st edition, continues its tradition of excellence by alternating locations between East Asia, Europe, and North America.
As technology advances, user-generated content gains importance, offering substantial data for complex scientific challenges. This year, our focus is on recent developments in citizen science and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) projects. We encourage submissions on innovative data validation methods and public engagement in scientific projects, while also welcoming contributions on diverse topics, including, but not limited to:
* Geospatial databases and spatio-temporal data management
* Mobile spatial interaction, movement analysis
* Spatial search, GeoWeb search engines and services
* Location-based social networks
* On-line spatial data mining
* GeoSensor data acquisition, processing, management and analysis
* Smart environments, Internet of Things and ambient spatial intelligence
* Exploratory cartography and Web and wireless geo interfaces
* GIS visualization techniques for Web and mobile location-based applications
* Cyber-geography & augmented reality
* Map personalization and adaptation
* 3D modelling of cityscapes for location-based services
* Security, privacy, and usability issues of Web and wireless environments
* Semantic geospatial Web and interoperability
* Indoor and outdoor wayfinding and navigation
* Telematics, GIS and location-based applications
* LBS and transportation applications
We invite papers in the form of three types of contributions:
- full papers to present scientific results (10 to 16 pages),
- short papers to present ongoing work (6 to 10 pages), and
- industry papers, for works with a larger focus on industrial impact and at least one author with an industrial affiliation (6 to 16 pages).
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers. Each paper must be written in English, it must be submitted in PDF, and it must be formatted using the Springer camera-ready templates available at the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science website (
All contributions must be uploaded through the submission site at EasyChair:
All submissions will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Best selected papers will be invited to submit an expanded version for consideration in a special issue within the Journal of Geo-spatial Information Science (ranked Q1 on Scopus).
W2GIS 2024 will also feature a Doctoral Symposium, providing a valuable platform for Ph.D. students to receive feedback and guidance from well-known researchers and industry experts. Additional information is available on the dedicated web page:
Any questions about the W2GIS 2024 Doctoral Symposium can be emailed to: luigiliberolucio.starace at unina dot it.
22 December, 2023 – Full paper submission
23 February, 2024 – Notification of acceptance
18 March, 2024 – Camera-Ready copy due
At the conference, two 500 € prizes will be awarded for the best research paper and the best presentation.
W2GIS offers a number of travel grants for PhD students, covering the conference registration fees and accomodation costs.
More information will be available on the official website:
Symposium Chairs
- Sergio di Martino, U. of Naples Federico II, Italy
- Maryam Lotfian, U. of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Doctoral Symposium Chair
- Luigi L. L. Starace, U. of Naples Federico II, Italy
Industry Session Chair
- Franca Rocco di Torrepadula, U. of Naples Federico II, Italy
Steering Committee
- M. Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland
- C. Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
- S. di Martino, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
- J. Gensel, University of Grenoble, France
- F. Karimipour, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
- M. R. Luaces, University da Coruna, Spain
- S. Storandt, University of Konstanz, Germany
- K. Sumiya, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
- M. Tomko, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Ki-Joune Li, Pusan University, South-Korea
- M. Mostafavi, Laval University, Canada
Program Committee
- H. Allahbakhshi, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- C. Bassem, Wellesley College, United States
- C. Bernard, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble - STeamer team, France
- A. Bouju, La Rochelle University, France
- M. Brovelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- E. Camossi, NATO Science and Technology Organization, Italy
- B. Chapuis, HEIG-VD, Switzerland
- Z. Fang, Wuhan University, China
- R. Feick, Waterloo University, Canada
- G. Giuliani, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- E. Guilbert, Laval University, Canada
- J. Ingensand, HEIG-VD, Switzerland
- S. Joost, EPFL, Switzerland
- T. Le Pors, ISEN, Brest University (UBO), France
- S. Li, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
- JC. Loubier, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland
- F. Lu, Inst. of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, China
- M. Mata, UPIITA-IPN, Mexico
- K-S. Oberoi, CESI-LINEACT, Toulouse, France
- D. Oxoli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- K. Patroumpas, Athena Research Center, Greece
- P. Peng, State Key Lab. of Resources & Env. Info. System, China
- A. Perez-Uribe, HEIG-VD, Switzerland
- F. Rocco di Torrepadula, U. of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
- L. L. L. Starace, U. of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
- N. Van de Weghe, Ghent University, Belgium
- S. Wakamiya, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Y. Wang, Yamaguchi University, Japan
- Y. Watanabe, Nagoya University, Japan
- F-J. Zarazaga-Soria, University of Zaragoza, Spain