WITLE 2024: 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Teaching and Learning Environments Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 17-20, 2024 |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=witle2024 |
Abstract registration deadline | March 1, 2024 |
Submission deadline | March 7, 2024 |
1st International Workshop on Intelligent Teaching and Learning Environments (WITLE 2024)
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17 - 20 June 2024
Co-located with 20th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2024)
Over recent years, it has become possible to both acquire and analyse data on student and/or tutor interactions with computer or web based systems to assist teaching and learning. Developments in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have resulted in the possibility of students being given meaningful feedback on their interactions and work almost instantaneously. Such Intelligent Systems to assist Teaching and Learning are becoming more and more sophisticated all the time. Furthermore, the advent of free access to Large Language Model systems such as ChatGPT is expected to have major impact on education and assessment.This workshop on Intelligent Teaching and Learning Environments workshop is designed to explore the state of the art of educational technology, with a particular focus on intelligent systems.
Whether you are an educator eager to enhance your classroom strategies through such systems, or a technical professional looking to apply AI in the context of education, this workshop should offer you a dynamic exploration of the latest developments in and future of teaching and learning. This event will offer researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders a forum to share ideas, insights and experiences, as well as to explore multidisciplinary research advances within the context of an intelligent learning environment.
The Workshop will be co-located with the 20th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2024) at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17 - 20 June 2024.
In addition to the accepted presentations, posters and demonstrations, the workshop will include an open panel discussion about the future of education in the light of recent developments in technology and Artificial Intelligence. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit previously unpublished papers, which are not under review elsewhere.
We welcome papers on any topic which relates to the application of new “smart” or intelligent approaches to teaching, learning, or training in any subject discipline, whether to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) themes, to the Arts and Humanities, or to Training and Learning for the Workplace.We are therefore pleased to invite you to submit a paper, poster or demo to the Workshop on any topic related to the use of intelligent systems to enhance the quality of the teaching/learning experience and/or assist making education more efficient or cost effective. Suitable themes include, but are not limited to,
- “Smart” buildings or classrooms,
- Virtual, Extensible or Mixed Reality environments,
- Mobile or web-based teaching and learning systems that can interact with students and/or teachers,
- intelligent systems that support the learning of practical skills, such as in laboratories or workshops,
- “Smart” assessment systems,
- Approaches to building a more comprehensive intelligent campus infrastructure,
- the effect of Large Language Models on education and assessment.
Publication of Papers
All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings volume for all the main conference's workshops, which will be an Open Access volume in the IOS Press Book Series on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. The Workshops' Proceedings published in this Book Series are indexed by Clarivate (Web of Science).
Submission of Papers
Authors are invited to submit papers (maximum of 10 pages in IOS Press format) relevant to one or more of the above themes via EasyChair.
Formatting guidelines for papers: Word and LaTeX templates are available here.
Important Dates
Deadline for Submissions: 1st March 2024
Notification acceptance: 5th April 2024
Deadline for Submission of camera-ready papers: 15th April 2024
Workshop dates: 17 - 18th June 2024
Details of the Keynote talk and the full programme will be announced in the months preceding the conference.
Organising Committee
Chair: Dr Gordon Hunter (Kingston University, U.K.) G.Hunter@kingston.ac.uk
Prof. Raúl Herrera Acuña (University of Tarapaca, Chile) rherrera@academicos.uta.cl
Dr Zalihe Yarkiner (Cyprus International University, Cyprus) zyarkiner@ciu.edu.tr
The workshop will be co-located with the 20th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2024) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. For registration information click here.