![]() | FaSE4Games'24: Foundations of Applied Software Engineering for Games workshop Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, July 14, 2024 |
Conference website | https://fase4games.quest/ |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fase4games24 |
The game community continues to grow and embraces stakeholders with broad interests. There are games for entertainment, serious games, and gamified applications. Entertainment games, for example, are a thriving industry with over two billion players around the world; this industry generates over 120 billion in revenue every year. However, today's large-scale games have many challenging development issues. They are complex, can take years to develop, and rely on teams with expertise spanning artistic, computer science, software engineering, and business skills. Games have demanding traditional quality of service requirements (e.g., performance, reliability, scalability, usability). They also have distinct user experience requirements to provide players with a game that is engaging and fun.
The interdisciplinary games and software engineering research community investigates game development issues from the perspectives of traditional engineering (e.g., requirements engineering, design, testing) and umbrella (e.g., lifecycle processes, configuration management, traceability) activities. In addition, topics including metrics, re-use, data analytics, user experience, and so on are also explored. Software engineering approaches are essential to support the rapid, cost-effective development of high-quality games. FASE4Games'24 provides a forum to explore issues that crosscut the software engineering and game development communities.
Theme and Topics
Game developers share a common community of interest: how to best engineer game software. They focus their attention on entertainment market opportunities, game-based applications in non-entertainment domains such as defence, education, healthcare, and scientific research (i.e., serious games), and the gamification of applications to improve engagement. This workshop seeks contributions from academic researchers and commercial game developers, addressing topics that span the emerging and current research challenges in the areas including, but not limited to:
- Artificial intelligence for software engineering applied to games.
- Testing and debugging applied to games.
- Empirical software engineering applied to games.
- Model-driven engineering applied to games.
- Performance engineering applied to games.
- Program analysis, comprehension, repair, or synthesis applied to games.
- Requirements engineering applied to games.
- Software architecture applied to games.
- Software processes applied to games.
All submissions will be refereed by three members of the program committee. Accepted submissions will be published in the conference's electronic proceedings and at the ACM Digital Library.
Submissions are accepted as follows:
- Long research papers (8 pages)
- Short research papers (5 pages)
Submissions must follow the FSE 2024 research track submission instructions (https://2024.esec-fse.org/track/fse-2024-research-papers#how-to-submit) using the *ACM Proceedings Template*. Note that the names and ordering of authors in the camera-ready version cannot be modified from the ones in the submitted version.
Authors using LaTeX should use the `sample-acmsmall-conf.tex` file (found in the samples folder of the acmart package) with the `acmsmall` option. We also strongly encourage the use of the review, screen, and anonymous options as well. In sum, you want to use: `\documentclass[acmsmall,screen,review,anonymous]{acmart}`.
FaSE4Games’2024 requires that at least one author on each accepted paper will register to, and attend the workshop, and give a presentation on the results.
**Papers submission is via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fase4games24
Submission deadline: **Mar 27th, 2024**
Notification: **April 26th, 2024**
Camera-ready: **May 15th, 2024**
Workshop date: **July 14th, 2024**
All questions about submissions should be emailed to 4games-conf@proton.me