![]() | ICRAIC2IT-25: International Conference on “Recent Advancements in AI, Computational Intelligence, and Inclusive Technologies NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli, Andhra Pradsh - India Vijayawada, India, May 2-3, 2025 |
Conference website | http://www.nriit.edu.in/icraic2it |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icraic2it25 |
Poster | download |
Abstract registration deadline | April 15, 2025 |
Submission deadline | April 30, 2025 |
Submission Guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Paper Submission Guidelines
Authors intended to submit their research findings, shall follow the guidelines :
- Background, Motivation and Objective
- Statement of Contribution, Methodology
- Results, Discussions and Conclusions
- Maximum number of pages is 8 in 8.5 × 11 inch paper single-column template. The Paper format will be : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16GY0jqmO9p24gEZPlUpOCptL36NSE1yk/view?usp=sharing (Will also be confirmed at the time of paper acceptance notification)
- Language: English is the official language of the conference. The paper should be written and presented only in English.
- Plagiarism must not be above 10 -15 %, (without references) and check should be performed by the authors and the report must also be attached along with the paper.
- Few papers would be allowed as poster presentations.
- Paper submission Link : Please see the conference Brochure
- Registration Fee payment and camera ready paper submission : https:forms.gle/f4M8tktxF6DGFQ7N7 (for shortlisted papersonly)
Call for Papers
Original contributions based on the results of research and developments are solicited. Prospective authors are requested to submit their papers in not more than 8 pages. All the accepted and presented papers will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings (Scopus Indexed). ICRAIC2IT invites academicians, researchers, industry professionals for submitting their original, previously unpublished and high quality research papers. The conference will be focused on addressing research challenges in the following fields, but are not limited to:
List of Topics for submission, But not limited to :
• Explainable AI and Ethical AI
• AI for Social Good
• Fuzzy Systems and Applications
• Evolutionary Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence
• Neural Networks and Cognitive Computing
• Intelligent Decision Support Systems
• Computational Intelligence in Data Mining
• Computational Neuroscience
• Applications of AI
• Assistive Technologies for Differently-abled Individuals
• AI for Accessibility and Inclusive Design
• Smart Devices and Ubiquitous Computing
• Technology for Rural and Underserved Communities
• Inclusive Technologies for Education and Training
• Quantum Computing in AI
• Computational Intelligence
• Blockchain Applications in AI and IoT
• Augmented and Virtual Reality in Intelligent Systems
• Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities
• Cybersecurity and Privacy in AI Systems
• Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience
• Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics
Chief Patrons
- Dr. R Venkat Rao, Chairman, NRI Group of Colleges
- Dr. G Sambasivarao, Director – Academics,NRIIT
- Dr. G Rosaiah, Director – Administration, NRIIT
- Dr C Naga Bhaskar, Principal
General Chair
- Dr. K. V. Sambasiva Rao, Professor & Dean, CSE, NRIIT (Chair)
Organizing Committee
- Dr. Y Srinivasa Vishnu Murthy, Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
- Prof. Rama Murthy Garimella, Mahindra University, Hyderabad
- Dr. Ramesh Kumar B, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad, Prayagraj
- Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City, Chittoor
- Dr.M.Venkateswara Rao, Prof. IT Department
- Dr M Chaitanya Kishore Reddi, Prof. IT Department
- Dr V Teju, Prof. CSM Department
- Dr. G Shobana, Prof., CSE
- Dr. K Krishna Prakash, Prof. CSM
Program Execution Committee*
- Dr. D Suneetha, HOD: CSE
- Dr. J Rajendra Prasad, HOD : IT
- Dr. P Rajendra Kumar, HOD : AIML
- Dr. Bh Dasaradha Ram, HOD : CSM
- Dr. Ch V Murali Krishna, HOD : CSD
- Mr.B.Venugopal, Assoc Prof. CSE
- Mr.N.V.Satyanarayana, Assoc Prof. CSE
- Dr.D.Vijay Kumar, Assoc Prof . CSD
Technical Program Committee*
- Dr. R Natarajan, Former Chairman, AICTE; Former Director IIT Madras (Chair)
- Prof. K. Sreenivasa Rao, IIT KGP (Co-chair)
- Dr. Anil Vuppala, IIIT Hyderabad
- Dr. Ansuman Mohapatra, NIT, Puducherry
- Dr. D. Suneetha, HOD CSE, NRIIT
- Dr. Sumith N, MIT, Manipal
- Dr. Basavaraj Talawar, NITK, Surathkal
- Dr .Teju, NRIIT Dr.Jannu Chaitanya, NRIIT
Publication Chair*
- Dr. K V Sambasiva Rao, CSE Department, NRIIT (Chair)
- Dr. D Suneetha, CSE Department, NRIIT (Co-Chair)
* Consent Requested
National Advisory Committee*
- Dr. D.Rajya Lakshmi, Vice- Chancellor (i/c), JNTU, Vizianagaram (Chair)
- Dr. Jay Singh, BL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi
- Prof. V.V. Subrahmanyam, SOCIS, IGNOU, New Delhi (Member)
- Dr. J. Venkataramanaiah, EEE, NIT Surat (Member)
- Dr. Bheemappa Halavar, IIIT Sricity (Member)
- Dr.M H M Krishna Prasad, Professor, JNTUK, Kakinada(Member)
- Prof K Viswanadha Raju, JNTU Jagityala, Telangana (Member)
- Dr.P.Sandhya, Profesor, SCOPE, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai (Member)
- Dr. B V Subba Rao, HOD IT, PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada (Member)
* Consent Requested
International Advisory Committee*
- Prof. Soundar Kumara, Penn State University, USA
- Prof. Lajos Hanzo, University in Southampton, UK
- Prof. Dr. F. Al-Turjman, Near East University, Turkey
- Prof. Naveen Chilamkurti, Latrobe University, Australia
- Dr. Mohammad S Khan, East Tennessee State University, USA
- Prof. Marcos Eduardo Valle, University of Campinas, Brazil
- Prof. Saad Mekhilef, University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Dr. Manjunath Mulimani, Tampere University, Finland
- Mrs G Sagarika, Data Analyst, First Citizens Bank, Dallas, Texas, USA
* Consent Requested
Important Dates
Submission deadline for Full-Text Paper | March 25, 2025 |
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection | April 15, 2025 |
Last date for Camera ready Full paper submission (with modification) & Registration with Fees | April 30, 2025 |
Conference Dates | May 02 - 03, 2025 |
Conference Registration
The authors must agree that if the paper is accepted for oral/ poster presentation, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and present the paper at conference venue by completing the two step registration process as mentioned below. Co−authors and other persons intending to attend the conference can register as Listeners (Attendee). The registration Fee details are given hereunder:
Step1 (Fee Submission): Authors/Attendee are requested to pay the Registration Fee (via online payments mode only) to the following Bank Account.
Beneficiary Name
The Principal, NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli
Bank Name
Account Number
Swift Code
Branch Location
Benz Circle, Vijayawada, Krishna Dt., ANDHRA PRADESH
Step2 (Fill Registration Form): After making payment, authors/ Attendees are required to fill the Conference Registration Link: https:forms.gle/f4M8tktxF6DGFQ7N7
Conference Registration Fee
Registration Fee
* Shall be published in Scopus Indexed Journal/proceedings ( possibly in AIP conference proceedings) |
Special Notes
All the selected papers will be published possibly in AIP Conference Proceedings (Scopus Indexed). Kindly circulate this information among your fellow colleagues/Research Scholars. We are planning to have Physical/virtual sessions, to facilitate those participants who could not come to the venue and present their papers.
For more information, please contact
Conference Secretariat, ICRAIC2IT−2025,
NRI Institute of Technology, Pothavarappadu,
Agiripalli Mandalam, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India,
Email : icraic2it@nriit.edu.in
Sponsors : Sri Durga Malleswari Educational Society, Vijayawada
Organized by
Departments of CSE, IT, CSD, CSM & AIML
NRI Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Pothavarappdu, Agiripalli Mandalam,
Krishna Dt., Andhra Pradesh - 521212, India