![]() | kacacon2025: 2nd Annual Korean American Communication Association (KACA) Conference George Washington University Washington, DC, United States, May 8-10, 2025 |
Conference website | http://www.thekaca.org |
Submission link | https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kacacon2025 |
Submission deadline | December 6, 2024 |
Full Paper Competition Submission | March 10, 2025 |
Author Information Page | File |
Call for Abstracts and Panel Proposals
2nd Annual Korean American Communication Association (KACA) Conference
: Communication Research from KACA’s Perspectives
Washington DC, USA | May 8 – 10, 2025
Dear KACA members,
The KACA Conference Planning Committee is pleased to announce the 2025 annual Korean American Communication Association (KACA) Conference! Building on the success of our inaugural event, the 2nd annual KACA conference will be held from Thursday, May 8, to Saturday, May 10, 2025, at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
KACA remains dedicated to advancing scholarship across a range of theoretical, conceptual, and methodological frameworks. This conference seeks to foster scholarly dialogue in diverse fields of communication, with a focus on addressing significant and timely communication issues. KACA welcomes high-quality papers offering valuable implications for the broader scholarly community in communication beyond the Korean context. However, submissions exploring Korea-related communication phenomena are particularly encouraged and will receive priority consideration, provided they meet the conference’s quality standards.
We invite KACA members, communication scholars, and graduate students to submit abstracts for research presentations at the 2025 conference. All theoretical, methodological, and creative approaches to communication research are welcome.
[Submission Instructions]
Two types of submissions are invited: Abstract/Paper and Panel. Two separate files are required for both types of submissions: (1) manuscript (abstract or panel proposal) and (2) cover page.
- Abstracts/Papers
The initial paper acceptance is based on an abstract submitted for competitive consideration. Abstracts can include either completed research or research-in-progress. Completed study has priority to be selected for programming. To complete the abstract submission, please follow the instructions below.
Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be submitted via the online submission form ( https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kacacon2025 ) by the deadline. In the abstract, provide a blinded copy of your research.
- The abstract should be single-spaced, using a 12-pt Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins all around one letter size (8.5 x 11 in) paper.
- The word-limit does not include references, tables and/or figures.
- For abstracts/papers submission, each author is restricted to no more than two abstract submissions regardless of authorship status. For each submission, you will need a new entry separately following the link. All submissions will undergo a blind review process.
Cover Page
Submit a separate cover page file along with the manuscript (abstract or panel proposal) file. EasyChair will allow the author to upload multiple files. The cover page must include the following information:
- Paper title
- An abstract (50- 100 words)
- 5 to 8 keywords
- Submission Categories: Open Submission or Student Submission1
- All author names, email addresses, affiliations, and departments listed in the order they appear on the paper.
- Corresponding author and contact information including e-mail address, mailing address, and phone number if different from the first author.
- Panel Proposal
Abstract consisting of a 300-word rationale for the panel and 100-word abstracts of each of the papers (up to four papers) to be presented at the panel should be submitted via the EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kacacon2025). In the panel proposal, provide a clear rationale for the importance of the panel with respect to the Korean communication scholarship. Provide a blind copy of your proposal.
Specifying a session chair is required, although respondent is optional. Panels shall avoid single-institution representation.
Cover Page
For the cover page, refer to the abstract submission session above.
Both manuscript and cover page files need to be completed by the deadline (Friday, December 6th, 2024, at 11:59 pm, Eastern Time) for full consideration. Not following the procedure will result in disqualification of your abstract submission.
In case the author submits a panel proposal, the author may make up to three submissions in total.
Stay tuned to the KACA communications such as email listserv and social media channels for more information regarding registration and the latest updates of the conference.
For further questions, please contact the conference chair, Dr. Jin-Ae Kang ( kangj@ecu.edu ).
[Paper Competition Round Submission Policies]
For the paper competition round, upload your completed papers to the EasyChair system (same link above) where you originally submitted your abstract by the deadline (Friday, March 7th, 2025, 11:59 pm, ET).
A completed research article is between 6000 and 9000 words, including references, figure captions, and endnotes.
Top paper awards (one open competition, and one student competition) will be recognized with a cash-award and a certificate.
[Important Dates (all based on Eastern Time)]
- Abstract Submission Due: Friday, December 6th, 2024, 11:59 pm (ET)
- Acceptance Notification: Monday, January 13, 2025, 11:59 pm (ET)
- Conference Registration will open: Monday, February 24th, 11:59 pm (ET)
- Conference Registration Early Bird Ends: Monday, April 21st, 11:59 pm
For presenters:
- Solicitation of travel grant (Contingent to Funding Situation): Friday, January 17, 2024, 11:59 pm (ET)
- Travel grant application due (pending): Friday, January 31, 2025, 11:59 pm (ET)
- Travel grant recipient notification: Monday, February 17th, 11:59 pm (ET)
- Paper Competition Submission Due: Monday, March 10th, 2025, 11:59 pm (ET)
You do not need to be a member of the KACA to submit an abstract. However, if your paper is accepted for the session, you must (1) be a member of the KACA, (2) register for the conference and (3) attend the conference to present your paper.
For the KACA membership, visit http://www.thekaca.org/membership/
[Serve as a Reviewer]
You can be a great part of our conference by serving the community as a paper/abstract reviewer. You do not need to be a member of KACA to serve as a reviewer. https://forms.gle/VvdWwnoZ5M6XZTnu9
[Travel Support and Other Benefits]
- Contingent on funding approval, KACA will provide hotel accommodation during the conference to all participants (one participant per paper) whose papers are accepted.
- There will be a limited number of modest travel grants available by application to those who need further support, particularly graduate students.
- Outstanding manuscripts that are recognized at the paper competition round, and/or during the conference will be invited to the Korean Journal of Communication for publication.
2025 KACA Annual Conference Sponsors
SUNY Buffalo, Office of Global Education
University of Texas - Austin, Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
University of Michigan, Nam Center for Korean Studies
George Washington University, Department of Organizational Sciences & Communication
2025 KACA Annual Conference Planning Committee
Conference Chairs:
Jin-Ae Kang, Nojin Kwak, Dal Yong Jin, and Kwan Min Lee
Conference Committee Members:
Jino Chung, Jihoon Kim, Hyunji Kim, Youjeong Kim, Jinhyon Kwon Hammick, Rachel Son, Kibum Youn, and Jungyun Won