EPiC Series
Kalpa Publications
For Authors
For Editors
dark energy
Extended Classical Mechanics: Vol-1 - Equivalence Principle, Mass and Gravitational Dynamics
Soumendra Nath Thakur
EasyChair Preprint 14879
Axion Physics from String Theory: Cosmological Signatures in Dark Matter and Inflation
Vaidik A Sharma
EasyChair Preprint 14064
The Journey from Einstein's Cosmological Constant to Dark Energy
Soumendra Nath Thakur
EasyChair Preprint 11370
Energy Persistence Beyond Planck Scale
Soumendra Nath Thakur
Priyanka Samal
Deep Bhattacharjee
Onwuka Frederick
EasyChair Preprint 11265
Logic, Mathematics, Physics: from a Loose Thread to the Close Link or What Gravity Is for Both Logic and Mathematics Rather than Only for Physics
Vasil Penchev
EasyChair Preprint 11121
Two Deductions: (1) from the Totality to Quantum Information Conservation; (2) from the Latter to Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Vasil Penchev
EasyChair Preprint 4409
Why Anything Rather than Nothing? the Answer of Quantum Mechanics
Vasil Penchev
EasyChair Preprint 3481
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