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The Nation's Moral Problems on Community Ethics "Case Study in Cijambe Girang Sukaresmi Village, Sukabumi Regency"

EasyChair Preprint 7456

12 pagesDate: February 13, 2022


What the author made is aimed at enforcing the law against ethical violations that occurred in the people of Kampung Cijambe Girang Sukaresmi, Sukabumi Regency and taking legal remedies that can be done in shaping the nation's morals. The reason behind this observation is because of the ethical violations that occur in the community so that the nation's morale is low. Due to the lack of knowledge in law and the lack of education regarding morals, this has an effect on the development of Indonesia. To foster morale and prevent ethical violations in society, law enforcement and legal efforts are needed. Enforcement of this law can be started from the making of laws governing the ethics of society, while legal efforts are established with the cooperation between the community and the government to apply morals to each individual. Therefore, as an Indonesian society who upholds this moral condition, it must be addressed immediately.

Keyphrases: Morals, ethics, law

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Kanesa Folara and Wafa Alfia and Muhammad Eko Nuralam and Endah Pertiwi},
  title     = {The Nation's Moral Problems on Community Ethics "Case Study in Cijambe Girang Sukaresmi Village, Sukabumi Regency"},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 7456},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2022}}
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