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Use of Geographic Information Systems for mapping a cartographic baseline of trails in Gustavo Galindo Campus

EasyChair Preprint 3702

5 pagesDate: June 29, 2020


This article explores the land use and coverage of the Gustavo Galindo Velasco campus, focused specifically on the existing routes and trails. The campus contains part of the tropical dry forest of Ecuador, which belongs to a particular ecosystem that contains multiple species of fauna and flora. The study required a primary data source, which was collected and processed during two stages. The first stage corresponds to measurements of the longitude and width of each route, which were performed through the use of GPS and a measuring tape. The second stage involved the processing of the information collected during the field research through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The GIS platform was used to quantify the area that was occupied by the routes and trails in each zone. The results revealed that the zone identified as “non-classified” had the highest extension of routes, followed by the zone that belonged to the Bosque Protector Prosperina (BPP). The identification of the routes and trails that serve as access and mobility inside the Campus Gustavo Galindo Velasco allows the proposition of a delimitation of the zones of use, and helps to create norms to control the diverse non-educational activities that take place in campus.

Keyphrases: Bosque Protector Prosperina, Bosque seco tropical, ESPOL, GPS, SIG

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Siuling Ching-Ávalos and Isabel Guzmán-Garaicoa and Andrés Velástegui-Montoya and Roberto Chang-Silva and Viviana Herrera-Matamoros},
  title     = {Use of Geographic Information Systems for mapping a cartographic baseline of trails in Gustavo Galindo Campus},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 3702},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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