Author:Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira

EasyChair Preprint no. 13767
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algorithm2, Applications, Bayesian networks5, Best payoff method, bidirectional coupling, Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem2, bounds, Brownian motion process, Brownian motions, Business Logistics, Busy cycle2, busy period7, Chaos2, chaos theory2, chaotic Lorenz systems, civil and criminal identification problems2, code form2, code form game, collection, complex adaptive systems, Consumer theory, convex functionals, convex programming3, convex sets2, convex sets strict separation, Corruption2, cost, coupling, demand, devices, differential equations, diffusion process4, diffusion processes, distribution function2, DNA Databases2, DNA Profiles3, DNA profiling2, drop of honey effect2, DV, dynamical systems3, Economics, efficiency, Energy, Epidemic, equipment, Erlang loss formula, Ethics., EV, Extensive-form game, Failures, FCEV, first passage time, First passage times3, fisheries, Gama distribution, Gambler’s ruin, game theory4, Hahn-Banach theorem3, hazard rate function2, HEV, Hilbert spaces3, ICEV, identification problems2, imperfect information game, Industry, infinite servers nodes, Infinite Servers Queue, Infinite servers queues, infinite states space, International Investment2, Kakutani’s theorem, Kuhn-Tucker Theorem2, Laplace transform2, Latin America2, M / G / m, M /G/oo, M/G/oo, management2, Markov renewal process, mathematics, maximization, medicine, MGInf3, minimax theorem4, moment, M|D|∞, M|G|inf, M|G|∞2, M|G|∞ queue, M|M|∞, Nanomaterials, Nanoscale, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology2, Nash equilibrium, Nash theorem, networks of queues2, Occupation, Optimization2, Orthogonality, Pandemic, partial derivatives equation, Pensions fund5, Pensions funds2, perfect information game, Perpetuity3, political risk2, politics, Preferences relation, Probabilistic Expert Systems, probability distribution, probability distributions, processes, projections, Queue2, queues2, queues network2, random walks3, renewal equation4, reserves3, Results, Riccati equation, Riez representation theorem, Ruin2, selection process game, separation, Separation Theorems2, service time, simple maternity search, stochastic dynamic programming, strategic-form game, Strategy, Surgery service, synchronization2, systems, Telemedicine, transient behaviour, two-part game2, Unemployment2, utility function, weak convergence2, “butterfly effect”, “drop of honey effect”.