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MediHopps: A novel approach to virtual rehabilitation sport

12 pagesPublished: June 20, 2022


Throughout Germany, there is an increasing demand for home-based rehabilitation sports, especially in rural areas. Although current systems already target location- independent remote sports, the practice of training is not possible in groups. Especially the aspect of collaborative rehabilitation sport is demonstrably decisive to strengthen the self-help character of the performance and to achieve positive group dynamic effects. Extended Reality represents a promising technology to provide location-independent effective group rehabilitation sports training. Therefore, the research project MediHopps aims to develop an intelligent full-body holoporation for stand-alone XR glasses, which makes it possible to precisely capture body postures and poses and transfer them to digital avatars in the virtual world just by wearing multisensory glasses. The purpose is to enable collaborative medically precise telerehabilitation in a virtual training room. The intelligent assistance system classifies the recognized movements and detects incorrectly performed exercises. MediHopps thus creates an easily accessible, supervised, qualitatively controlled and location-independent rehabilitation sports training including positive group dynamic effects. The research project solves thereby social challenges referring to limited access possibilities for rehabilitation sport and contributes to a human-centered Society 5.0.

Keyphrases: digital avatars, extended reality, full body holoporation, rehabilitation sport, virtual collaboration spaces, xr glasses

In: Knut Hinkelmann and Aurona Gerber (editors). Proceedings of the Society 5.0 Conference 2022 - Integrating Digital World and Real World to Resolve Challenges in Business and Society, vol 84, pages 195-206.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Tobias Gottschalk and Kevin Gisa and Nanna Dahlem and Lea Reichl and Tobias Greff and Dirk Werth},
  title     = {MediHopps: A novel approach to virtual  rehabilitation sport},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Society 5.0 Conference 2022 - Integrating Digital World and Real World to Resolve Challenges in Business and Society},
  editor    = {Knut Hinkelmann and Aurona Gerber},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Computing},
  volume    = {84},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-7340},
  url       = {/publications/paper/VlcRf},
  doi       = {10.29007/b9kr},
  pages     = {195-206},
  year      = {2022}}
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