Download PDFOpen PDF in browserReduction of Current-Collapsing in Small Gate to Drain Length AlGaN/GaN Superjunction HEMT for High Frequency ApplicationEasyChair Preprint 98759 pages•Date: March 17, 2023AbstractIn this work we analyzed a GaN-based super junction High Electron Mobility Transistor by Silvaco TCAD to improve the dc to ac conversion ratio and specific on-resistance (Ron) for high frequency and high current but low voltage power devices. The gate to drain length of the device is reduced to augment the applicability of GaN HEMT at higher frequency. Additional base electrode increases the breakdown voltage of the device. Current collapsing is a detrimental effect in GaN HEMT which limits the maximum supply voltage. Alumi-num mole fraction in undoped AlGaN layer is varied to reduce the current col-lapsing in the device. Keyphrases: Al Mole fraction of AlGaN, Cut-off frequency, Cuurent Collapse, GaN-HEMT Superjunction, Gate to drain length, breakdown voltage