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Technopreneur Development and Entrepreneurial Mindset: Integrating Experiential Learning Theory in Graduate Training

EasyChair Preprint 15124

13 pagesDate: September 28, 2024


As the global economy increasingly relies on technological innovation, the need for technopreneurs—entrepreneurs who specialize in technology-based ventures—has become more pronounced. This study explores the integration of Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) into graduate training programs aimed at fostering technopreneurship and cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset among students. ELT, which emphasizes learning through experience, is particularly suited to the dynamic and practical nature of entrepreneurship education. It enables students to engage in hands-on activities, reflect on their experiences, and apply their learnings to real-world challenges, thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice. This paper examines the implementation of ELT in various graduate programs and its impact on the development of technopreneurs. By incorporating experiential learning activities such as simulations, case studies, internships, and project-based learning, these programs provide students with opportunities to develop critical skills, including problem-solving, risk management, and innovation. Findings from the analysis suggest that integrating ELT into technopreneurship training not only enhances students' technical and business acumen but also instills the confidence and resilience needed to navigate the uncertainties of the entrepreneurial journey. Moreover, the study identifies best practices for embedding ELT in graduate programs, including the use of interdisciplinary approaches, collaboration with industry partners, and the incorporation of feedback mechanisms that allow for continuous improvement of the learning experience. The integration of Experiential Learning Theory in graduate technopreneurship training is instrumental in developing the next generation of technopreneurs.

Keyphrases: Experiential Learning Theory, Innovation, Internships, Technopreneur development, case studies, entrepreneurial mindset, graduate training, hands-on activities, project-based learning, simulations

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {William Jack},
  title     = {Technopreneur Development and Entrepreneurial Mindset: Integrating Experiential Learning Theory in Graduate Training},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15124},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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