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Effectiveness of Horizontal Drainage System and Vertical Drainage Against Inundation in Residential Areas (Case Study of Katimbang Urban Village, Makassar City)

EasyChair Preprint 15054

23 pagesDate: September 24, 2024


Katimbang urban village is one of the urban villages in Makassar city, Indonesia, whose land use is dominated by settlements, which make up 58% of the area, which indicates a lack of water catchment areas and causes inundation when it rains. The drainage system used is still conventional and unable to handle standing water effectively. This research intends to examine the effectiveness of horizontal and vertical drainage systems in managing inundation. The method used is a descriptive-quantitative approach through a survey and data analysis. The results revealed that the horizontal drainage system failed to handle the design rainfall with a 2-year return period of 129.67 mm for tertiary drainage and the design rainfall with a 5-year return period of 170.60 mm for secondary drainage, resulting in inundation at 13 points with a total inundation of 10.74 m3/sec. The effectiveness of the vertical drainage system against inundation without the use of infiltration wells and rain harvesting has been considered ineffective because it has a low soil permeability coefficient of 3x10-6 m/sec. According to the results, the use of infiltration wells can only decrease flooding by 15% and rain harvesting by 30% of total inundation.

Keyphrases: Inundation, drainage, effectiveness

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Rezky Amalia Putri and Rita Tahir Lopa and Riswal Karamma},
  title     = {Effectiveness of Horizontal Drainage System and Vertical Drainage Against Inundation in Residential Areas (Case Study of Katimbang Urban Village, Makassar City)},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15054},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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