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Sustainable Development Through the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision

EasyChair Preprint no. 12364

11 pagesDate: March 2, 2024


This research paper explores the intersection of sustainable development, artificial intelligence (AI), and computer vision. The study investigates how the integration of AI and computer vision technologies can contribute to sustainable development goals. The abstract provides insights into the potential of these advanced technologies in addressing challenges related to environmental conservation, resource management, and social equity. The paper discusses innovative applications, methodologies, and case studies demonstrating the positive impact of AI-driven computer vision in fostering sustainable practices. Through a comprehensive analysis, this research contributes to the growing discourse on leveraging cutting-edge technologies for achieving lasting and meaningful advancements in sustainable development.

This research paper explores the intersection of sustainable development, artificial intelligence (AI), and computer vision. The study investigates how the integration of AI and computer vision technologies can contribute to sustainable development goals. The abstract provides insights into the potential of these advanced technologies in addressing challenges related to environmental conservation, resource management, and social equity. The paper discusses innovative applications, methodologies, and case studies demonstrating the positive impact of AI-driven computer vision in fostering sustainable practices. Through a comprehensive analysis, this research contributes to the growing discourse on leveraging cutting-edge technologies for achieving lasting and meaningful advancements in sustainable development.

Keyphrases: Applications, Artificial Intelligence, computer vision, Future directions

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Tanya Garg and Udit Kumar and Himanshu Yadav and Anupriya Jain},
  title = {Sustainable Development Through the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 12364},

  year = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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