Download PDFOpen PDF in browserIntegration of Beekeeping with the Concept of Smart ManufacturingEasyChair Preprint 159365 pages•Date: March 24, 2025AbstractSmart manufacturing encompasses various industries, including honey production on beekeeping farms. Modern technologies enable the resolution of complex and critical tasks in this field. This scientific article presents a method for integrating smart manufacturing into beekeeping. It describes the concept of digital control over processes inside hives, automation of hive management processes, monitoring, and problem forecasting. This, in turn, simplifies traditional beekeeping methods and improves both the vitality of bees and the productivity of honey production. Beekeepers of various levels, from amateurs to professionals managing large apiaries, are in great need of technologies that can enhance their efficiency. However, modern mass markets for beekeeping equipment, unfortunately, lack affordable solutions. Therefore, this problem remains relevant and requires attention in this field. Keyphrases: Automation, Smart Manufacturing, digitalisation