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Capacity Analysis of Exterior Beam-Coolumn Reinforced Concrete Joints Using Midas FEA Software

EasyChair Preprint no. 9724

10 pagesDate: February 16, 2023


Planning of building structures, especially the construction of high-rise buildings requires structural analysis that can make the behavior of building structures remain optimal. The beam-column connection consists of interior, exterior, and knee joints. The methods that are often used in construction are usually the conventional method and the precast system. In this study an analysis will be carried out regarding the behavior of the joints on the exterior of the beam-column joints and look for the capacity of the structural strength of the beam-column using conventional methods. The connection type component will be carried out based on the results of laboratory test results and modifying the connection type based on the data search obtained, then compared with the Midas FEA Software. There are 3 models of beam-column joints with types, 1 without shear reinforcement, 2 using shear reinforcement and 3 with modified reinforcement. The results of the analysis of the capacity of beam-column joints based on ASCE 41 and finite elements in the yield condition yield smaller values with a difference of 1.34% - 4%. In the inside hook modification using laboratory and finite element test methods, the difference in capacity values is greater, namely 2.91% - 8.12%. The behavior of the beam-column joints capacity when two U-bar joint shear reinforcement was added did not increase significantly by 2.77% and the behavior of the beam-column joints when four U-bar joint shear reinforcement was added showed a high increase by 95.26%.

Keyphrases: Beam-column joints, Exterior Joint, finite element analysis

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {William Hartantio and Sunarjo Leman},
  title = {Capacity Analysis of Exterior Beam-Coolumn Reinforced Concrete Joints Using Midas FEA Software},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 9724},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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