Download PDFOpen PDF in browserAutomobile Sensor Data as a Database for the Investigation of Traffic ConflictsEasyChair Preprint 151803 pages•Date: September 30, 2024AbstractThe investigation of traffic conflicts is not yet integrated into the daily business of municipalities. Manual data collection provides information on current traffic conflicts, which can serve as a basis for preventive road safety work. However, manual data collection is time-consuming and labor-intensive. A new data source can support the identification of critical areas in the road traffic environment. Automobile sensor data generated by vehicle assistance systems can show where traffic conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians or cyclists often occur. In our project, we compared aggregated automotive sensor data with manually collected data. The data from our own observation provides much more information about the process and cause of the conflict. The automobile sensor data is particularly helpful for determining the danger of the hotspot. Nevertheless, the automobile sensor data is inaccurate and, at its current stage of development, can only provide an indication of a potentially dangerous area. Keyphrases: automobile sensor data, manual observation, traffic conflicts