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Pattern Recognition in Quantum Computation

EasyChair Preprint 3427

10 pagesDate: May 18, 2020


Pattern recognition is represented as the limit, to which an infinite Turing tape converges. A Turing machine, in which the bits are substituted with qubits, is introduced. That quantum Turing machine can recognize the pattern in any data. That ability of universal pattern recognition is interpreted as an intellect featuring any quantum computer. This property is valid only within a quantum computer: To utilize it, the observer should be sited inside it. Being outside it, the observer would obtain quite different result depends on the degree of the entanglement of the quantum computer and observer. All extraordinary properties of a quantum computer are due to involving a converging infinite computational process contenting necessarily both a continuous advancing calculation and a leap to the limit. Three types of quantum computations can be distinguished according to that whether the series is a finite one, an infinite rational or irrational number.

Keyphrases: infinite computation, quantum Turing machine, quantum computer, quantum entanglement, qubit, universal pattern recognition

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Vasil Penchev},
  title     = {Pattern Recognition in Quantum Computation},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 3427},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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