Download PDFOpen PDF in browserDiagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Using the Certainity FactorEasyChair Preprint 57887 pages•Date: June 14, 2021AbstractThe purpose of this research was to early diagnose pulmonary infectious tuberculosis, commonly known as tuberculosis (TBC). This disease is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis through active TB sufferers who cough and excrete small droplets of saliva. Then an expert system is created that can assist in diagnosing and providing solutions to patients based on the symptoms of TB disease experienced by patients so that patients can detect it early and do not have to consult directly with a doctor. In this research, the method of Certainty Factor (CF) was used to calculate the certainty value in order to make the final decision clearer. There are several steps used to diagnose someone with TB disease: (1) Collecting disease and symptom data, (2) Creating rules from existing symptoms based on expert references and literature, (3) Calculating the certainty value with the CF method used. From the results of the system testing conducted on 20 people, the results of these trials and compared with the doctor's opinion, the accuracy of this system is 85% accurate, indicating that the results of the pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis expert system can help doctors in diagnosing types of TB disease. based on the symptoms experienced by the patient and can provide first aid or early diagnosis by providing solutions to users. Keyphrases: Tuberculosis, World Health Organization, active tuberculosis, expert system Download PDFOpen PDF in browser |