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A Proposal for Verbalization Data Gathering to Support Usability Evaluations with ErgoSV Tool

EasyChair Preprint no. 11511

6 pagesDate: December 12, 2023


This paper aims to present a strategy to support the verbalization data gathering with ErgoSV tool to support  usability evaluation. Verbalization is is a widely used and efficient based on the Think Aloud, once it provide resource to gather great amount of data about user interaction/experience. To support verbalization in usability testing, ErgoSV tool was proposed, but it was focused on a real time word recognition, which leaded to difficulties and limitations to conduct an appropriate speech recognition. Aiming to improve the verbalization data gathering, we propose a strategy where the recognition is conducted after data registration, avoiding processing overload and changing speech recognition techniques. The validation This research had used the practical research method, that has an applied nature. The method uses was quantitative analysis, with data obtained through field research based on observations. Through sample data, two types of users behaviors were identified: (1) in which the externalization differs from the questionnaire responses, and (2) in which the opinion coincides.

Keyphrases: ErgoSV, questionnaires, think aloud, Usability, Usability Evaluation, Usability tests, user observation

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author = {Cassilene Rodrigues de Assis and Tiago Coleti and Marcelo Morandini},
  title = {A Proposal for Verbalization Data Gathering to Support Usability Evaluations with ErgoSV Tool},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 11511},

  year = {EasyChair, 2023}}
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