ARCADE 2017: Volume InformationARCADE 2017. 1st International Workshop on Automated Reasoning: Challenges, Applications, Directions, Exemplary Achievements15 articles•81 pages•Published: November 8, 2017 PapersGiles Reger and Dmitriy Traytel 1-5 | Erika Abraham, John Abbott, Bernd Becker, Anna M. Bigatti, Martin Brain, Alessandro Cimatti, James H. Davenport, Matthew England, Pascal Fontaine, Stephen Forrest, Vijay Ganesh, Alberto Griggio, Daniel Kroening and Werner M. Seiler 6-10 | Simon Cruanes 11-15 | Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Pascal Fontaine, Stephan Schulz and Uwe Waldmann 16-23 | Maria Paola Bonacina 24-28 | Stephan Schulz 29-32 | Josef Urban 33-36 | Reiner Hähnle and Marieke Huisman 37-41 | J Moore and Marijn Heule 42-45 | Bertram Felgenhauer 46-50 | Marijn Heule and Benjamin Kiesl 51-54 | Giles Reger and Martin Suda 55-63 | Gopal Gupta, Elmer Salazar, Kyle Marple, Zhuo Chen and Farhad Shakerin 64-68 | Andrew Reynolds 69-75 | Christoph Weidenbach 76-81 |
Keyphrasesachievements, ACL2, Answer Set Programming, Applications, Artificial Intelligence, automated reasoning3, automated theorem proving, automatic theorem provers, Big Data, CADE, calculi, certification, Challenges, combinations, computer algebra, Conflict-driven reasoning, deduction, deduction modulo, deductive software verification, DRAT, explanation, first-order2, first-order logic2, formalization, Heuristics, higher-order, higher-order logic, IJCAR, industrial applications, interactive theorem proving, machine learning, portfolio, predicate ASP, proof checking, proofs, QBF, Quantifier Instantiation, SAT2, satisfiability, satisfiability checking, Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), search, SMT2, solver, superposition calculus, symbolic computation, symmetry breaking, synthesis, theorem prover, theorem proving, theories, usable automated reasoning. |