AUBEA 2017: Volume InformationAUBEA 2017: Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference 201754 articles•515 pages•Published: October 23, 2017 PapersJohn Smallwood and Christopher Allen 1-9 | Peter S. P. Wong, Mitchell Summers and Jake Duncan 10-18 | De-Graft Owusu-Manu, Daniel Yamoah Agyemang and Michael Addy 19-26 | Julia Morris and Guinevere Gilbert 27-37 | Patricia Mclaughlin, Belinda Kennedy, Anna Galluzzo and Matthew Donato 38-45 | Usha Iyer-Raniga 46-53 | Chloe Penn, Ken Farnes and Farshid Rahmani 54-61 | David Oswald 62-69 | Mary Hardie 70-77 | Tak Tsz Yeung, Andy K. W. Ng and Peter S.P. Wong 78-86 | Treshani Perera and Wejendra Reddy 87-100 | Abiodun Abisuga, Imriyas Kamardeen and Cynthia Wang 101-109 | Eugene A Morisani, Salman Azhar, Irfan Ulhaq, Malik Khalfan and Tayyab Maqsood 110-118 | Eric Too, Tiendung Le, Patrick Weaver and Lynda Bourne 119-128 | Dulani Halvitigala, Sara Wilkinson and Hera Antoniades 129-138 | Toong Khuan Chan and Igor Martek 139-146 | Reza Ansari, Temitope Egbelakin and Jasper Mbachu 147-155 | Neil Laing, Paul Roberts, Linda Kestle, Taija Puolitaival, Tim Brenton-Rule and Alysha Bryan 156-164 | Peng Wong and Ron Wakefield 165-178 | Dallas Wingrove, Rebecca Yang, Sarah Holdsworth and Andrew Carre 179-186 | Andrei Pomana 187-195 | Jessica Borg, Michelle Turner and Christina Scott-Young 196-209 | Taija Puolitaival, Tina Booth, Ali Ghaffarianhoseini and Kenneth Park 210-218 | Giorgio Marfella, Andrew Martel and James Helal 219-226 | Nicola Naismith, Sandi Roberston and John Tookey 227-234 | Nicola Naismith, Lara Tookey and John Tookey 235-243 | Trevor Hilaire, Kim Maund, Brian Swanepoel and Julie Chapple 244-252 | Salman Shooshtarian, Amrit Sagoo and Priyadarsini Rajagopalan 253-262 | Trevor Hilaire and Kim Maund 263-270 | Perry Forsythe and Brad Carey 271-278 | Farshid Rahmani and Maged Georgy 279-287 | Vidal Paton-Cole and Emad Gad 288-296 | Swapan Saha, Md Kamrul Hassan and Grahame Douglas 297-304 | Mona Foroozanfar, Samad Mohammad Ebrahimzadeh Sepasgozar and Hani Arbabi 305-315 | Muhammad Tariq Shafiq and Steve Lockley 316-323 | Paulo Vaz-Serra, Peter Edwards, Shang Gao and Valerie Francis 324-331 | Osama Bin Usuf, Mehrafarin Takin and Samad Mohammad Ebrahimzadeh Sepasgoza 332-340 | Sajani Jayasuriya, Guomin Zhang and Rebecca Yang 341-350 | Hemanta Doloi, David Week and Atul Bora 351-360 | Julie Jupp and Ramsey Awad 361-370 | Mohamed Khallaf and Julie Jupp 371-378 | Velyne Ingti Katharpi, Hemanta Doloi and David Week 379-392 | Arup Deka, Hemanta Doloi and Robert Crawford 393-401 | Ankita Wyawahare and Nilupa Udawatta 402-410 | Zunoon Parambath and Nilupa Udawatta 411-418 | Shang Gao, Paulo Vaz-Serra and Blair Gardiner 419-426 | Festival Godwin Boateng 427-438 | David Week and Hemanta Doloi 439-455 | Olabode Ogunmakinde, William Sher, Oladoyin Ogunmakinde and Oluwafemi Ayanniyi 456-465 | Shadi Batarseh and Imriyas Kamardeen 466-475 | Thanh Tung Pham, Helen Lingard, Ron Wakefield and Rita Zhang 476-488 | Olubukola Tokede and Linda Tivendale 489-495 | Brian H.W. Guo, Eric Scheepbouwer, Tak Wing Yiu and Vicente González 496-504 | Peter Saunders, Ehsan Gharaie, Andrea Chester and Cathy Leahy 505-515 |
Keyphrases21st century skills, academic performance, accident investigation, accident prevention, adult learning, apartment quality, Asia Pacific Private Wealth., Asset Management, attitudes, Australia3, Australia., Autism, Barriers, BIM2, BIM adoption, BIM Education, BIM Integration, Buildability, building2, Building Information Model, Building Information Modelling3, building/construction/structural accidents/failures, built environment5, Carbon reduction, Change Management, Cold-formed, collaboration2, commercial builders, Commercial Property Market, commitment, competitiveness, Compressed Scheduling, construction3, Construction Documents, Construction Education, Construction futures, Construction Industry2, Construction Management5, Construction Organisations, Construction Post-Graduate Students, Construction Practice, construction project management, construction project organisations, Construction projects, Construction Safety, Construction Student Performance, constructive alignment, consultative, culture, Cumulative Weighted Average, curriculum3, decision making, Deregulation, Design, design courses, developing countries, developing economies, Digital Real Estate, digital technology, Digitisation, disruption, ECI, Education3, educational precinct, effects, Employability, employability skills, Employee Retention, engineering and construction, Engineering Industry, ethnography2, Event Management, Facilities Management, Facility Management, field survey, Forecasting, Foreign Real Estate Investment (FREI), Form optimization, Gender diversity, global mobility, Globalisation, Governance Functions, grades, graduate capabilities, graduates, Green Building, Green supply chain management (GSCM), higher education3, Housing Crisis, Housing markets, IFC, inclusion, India2, Individual believes and expectations, industrial experience, industrialisation, Industry involvement, Innovation, Integration, intelligence, interdisciplinary, International student experience, Internet of Things, Issues, Keywords: Knowledge management, knowledge transfusion, learning analytics, learning environment, life quality, literature review, Living Laboratories, low-rise, Maintenance, management, Management training, Melbourne, model comparison, Model Server, models of training transfer, national approach, online marketing, organisational learning, organization, outbound students, partnership, Peer to Peer Mentoring, performance-based design, Performance-based tall building design, postgraduate, Prefab, Prefabricated Timber, Prefabrication, professional education, Profitability, project, Project Delivery, Project Governance, project management, Project Values, Property development, Property valuation industry, Public Private Partnerships, Recession, reciprocal learning, Regulations, Residential, residential aged care2, Residential Housing, Residential property, residential structures, Resource Planning, RFID, Risk, Rural2, Rural Development., safety, Satisfaction, Site coordination, Smart Technology, Smart Villages2, Stakeholder Management, Steel framing, STEM, strategies3, structural changes, structural design, Structural Equation Modelling, student perspective, students3, Subcontractor, supply chain, Sustainability3, sustainable cities, tall buildings, team building, Technology Acceptance Model, Technology Adoption Model, tertiary education, Tertiary Education Buildings, the Theory of Planned Behaviour, thermal condition, Timber2, time performance, Traditional Scheduling, Training transfer, tutors, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), university initiatives, urban microclimate, urban pathology, urban resilience, value, Victoria, Virtual Reality, Wellbeing, Wind Flow, wind load, work readiness. |