BICOB-2024: Editor's Preface

BICOB 2024: Editor's Preface

The Organizing Committee of the 16th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICOB-24) would like to express our gratitude and extend a warm welcome to all participants, authors, presenters, attendees, and organizers of BICOB-24, sponsored by the International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA).

For the past 16 years, the BICOB conference has been growing [AH1] [MOU2] [MOU3] as one of the leading events for bioinformatics researchers and practitioners. BICOB offers a unique platform for scientists and researchers to present and discuss their research results, methods, and findings with peers who share similar interests. This year, the BICOB conference is held in New Orleans, USA, on March 18-19, 2024.

BICOB-24 features keynote talks by well-known scientists and highly competitive contributed talks. The conference covers a wide range of bioinformatics and computational biology topics, including bioinformatics algorithms, genomics, machine learning applications in bioinformatics, and medical informatics. BICOB-24 will bring together researchers, scientists, practitioners, and attendees from multiple countries worldwide. Participants will come from various research institutions, including universities, corporations, and government agencies.

Through a thorough review process, BICOB has maintained high standards and quality over the years. This year, each paper submitted to BICOB underwent peer review by three international program committee members. The papers were evaluated based on their originality, significance, technical content, application content, and presentation style. BICOB-24 [TA4] will feature the best paper award presented during the conference and a journal special issue dedicated to extended versions of selected outstanding conference papers. The online conference management system, EasyChair, was used to automate the submission, refereeing, and proceedings generation processes. All the BICOB-24 papers will be freely available online via the EasyChair EPiC Series, making them easily retrievable through Google and Google Scholar, and they will also be indexed in Scopus.

The professional work of the international program committee and the sub-reviewers is greatly appreciated. We also want to thank the ISCA president, the board of directors, and the ISCA executive director for their continuing support. Furthermore, we extend our gratitude to all the presenters and attendees for their valuable contributions to the success of the BICOB-24 conference. 

We are looking forward to engaging in presentations and discussions at the conference. All participants are invited to connect and build new friendships within the BICOB family. We sincerely hope that every participant will benefit from the conference.

Hisham Al-Mubaid
Tamer Aldwairi
Oliver Eulenstein
May 23, 2024