GCAI 2016: Volume InformationGCAI 2016. 2nd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence27 articles•352 pages•Published: September 29, 2016 PapersAlexander Steen, Max Wisniewski and Christoph Benzmüller 1-10 | Giles Reger, Martin Suda and Andrei Voronkov 11-23 | Tobias Philipp 24-38 | Giles Reger, Nikolaj Bjorner, Martin Suda and Andrei Voronkov 39-52 | Evgenii Kotelnikov, Laura Kovács, Martin Suda and Andrei Voronkov 53-71 | Marcus Edel and Joscha Lausch 72-80 | Ying Zhu and Mirek Truszczynski 81-94 | Yin-Fu Huang and Bo-Rong Chen 95-108 | Imen Boudali and Nihel Mokhtar 109-123 | Thomas Schmitt, Phillipe Caillou and Michele Sebag 124-137 | Armin Dietz, Stephan Schröder, Andreas Pösch, Klaus Frank and Eduard Reithmeier 138-146 | Michel Ludwig and Dirk Walther 147-160 | Hara Skouteli and Loizos Michael 161-173 | Daan Apeldoorn and Gabriele Kern-Isberner 174-186 | Ivo Chichkov and Alexandra Kirsch 187-199 | Alexandra Kirsch 200-213 | Teddy Bouziat, Valérie Camps and Stéphanie Combettes 214-226 | Abhijeet Mohapatra, Bertrand Decoster, Sudhir Agarwal and Michael Genesereth 227-239 | Pascal Richter, David Laukamp, Levin Gerdes, Martin Frank and Erika Ábrahám 240-252 | Nada Sharaf, Slim Abdennadher, Thom Fruehwirth and Daniel Gall 253-265 | Malumbo Chipofya 266-279 | Steve Prestwich, S. Armagan Tarim and Roberto Rossi 280-292 | Alan Mosca and George Magoulas 293-302 | Jochen Kerdels and Gabriele Peters 303-313 | Xudong Liu and Mirek Truszczynski 314-328 | Behnam Sabeti, Pedram Hosseini, Gholamreza Ghassem-Sani and Sَeyed Abolghasem Mirroshandel 329-339 | Manfred Eppe, Sean Trott, Vivek Raghuram, Jerome Feldman and Adam Janin 340-352 |
KeyphrasesACT-R, adaptation, AI Planning, automated reasoning2, CBIR, Chaining rules, Clausal Normal Form, clause normal form, Clausification, cognitive architecture, cognitive model, cold start, collaborative filtering, Constraint Handling Rules, Constraint Logic Programming, Constraint Programming, Construction Grammar, cooperation, curse of dimensionality, CVS, deep learning2, Description Logic EL, document classification, domestic robots2, DRAT, dynamic systems, Emergency Department, empirical investigation, Ensembles, Evolutionary Algorithms, feature selection, first-order logic2, FOOL, formal model, Game Description Language, game structures, General Game Playing, Gentzen-style proof calculus, gesture recognition, Growing Neural Gas, Harmony Search Algorithm2, Healthcare Management, Heliostat Field Layout Optimization, heuristic problem solving, human-aware robot navigation, Human Machine Interface, human resources, human-robot interaction, hybrid collaborative filtering, image recognition, imputation policies, intention recognition, invariant projections, Iterative learning and reasoning, job announcements, job recommendations, knowledge extraction, learning agents, learning preference models, Local compatibility matrix, local input space histograms, machine learning2, Metaheuristic, missing data, modeling, MPEG-7 specification, multi-agent, natural language understanding, Natural User Interface, neural networks, Ontology, Operating Room Lights, optimization problem, parallel portfolio, Pareto rule, partial lexicographic preference forests, partial lexicographic preference trees, Persian, positional scoring rules, preference aggregation, preference importance, preference reasoning2, preference representation, prioritized patient scheduling, QCN matching, Qualitative Constraint Network, Reinforcement Learning, Resumes, SARSA, SAT, Satisfiability Modulo Theories, Sentiment Analysis, sentiment lexicon, short-term memory model, Solar Tower Power Plants, sparse representation, specification language, Surgery Light Control, symbolic/sub-symbolic integration, System of Systems, theorem proving3, training rules, Transfer Learning, translation, Uniform Interpolation, unsatisfiability proofs, Vampire, visual attention, Z3. |