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Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education: Case Study of “Virtual Ward Design”

EasyChair Preprint 15568

9 pagesDate: December 13, 2024


Technological advancements have brought significant transformations in educational practices, particularly affecting traditional components such as laboratories and field trips in higher education. These components are increasingly being supplemented or replaced by the growing adoption of virtual laboratories (VLs), reflecting the trend toward remote learning.


The purpose of this study is to investigate how VLs influence both the way lecturers deliver the lab and the way students experience learning within the coursework.


We conducted an exploratory study to investigate our design of VLs. Guided by Dalgarno and Lee's (2010) framework we explored how adopting VLs affects lecturers' teaching experiences. Lecturers and students who used the VL in their course were invited to participate in this study. We employed interviews, observation, and student interviews to gather data.


VLs align with pedagogical approaches that promote experiential learning and engagement. However, VLs may struggle to fully recreate the interactive and personalised aspects of traditional, physical learning experiences. This study suggests that educators need to develop teaching strategies that effectively combine elements from both virtual and physical environments.


While VLs hold promise for fostering collaborative and experiential learning, they also present challenges such as technical barriers, students' unfamiliarity with VR technology, and high cognitive load.The study recommends integrating VLs with physical field trips to overcome these challenges and enhance the overall learning experience.

Keyphrases: Virtual Labs, innovative pedagogy, learning experience

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Maryam Sharifkhani and Jonathan Davidson and Christian Walsh and Jan Evans-Freeman and Cheryl Brown and Chris Bullsmith and Kathryn MacCallum and Brodwyne Richards},
  title     = {Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education: Case Study of “Virtual Ward Design”},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15568},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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